Do you put eyeliner above or below lash line?

Do you put eyeliner above or below lash line? lash line

Choosing where to apply your eyeliner can make a big difference in your overall eye makeup look. There are different techniques for applying eyeliner, and the placement can vary based on personal preference, eye shape, and desired effect. In this article, we will explore the options of putting eyeliner above or below the lash line and their respective pros and cons.

Above the lash line

Applying eyeliner above the lash line is a popular method for creating definition and emphasizing the eyes. This technique involves lining the upper eyelid along the natural lash line, closer to the roots of the lashes. Some benefits of applying eyeliner above the lash line include:

  • Enhanced eye shape: By lining above the lash line, you can create the illusion of larger or more almond-shaped eyes.
  • Shaping the eye: Eyeliner can be used to alter the appearance of eye shape, making them appear more elongated or lifted.
  • More visible eyelashes: Lining above the lash line can make your eyelashes look fuller and more dramatic, especially if you apply mascara afterwards.

Below the lash line

Applying eyeliner below the lash line is another technique that can produce different effects. This method involves lining the lower waterline, just below the lower lashes, or creating a lower eyeliner wing. Some benefits of applying eyeliner below the lash line include:

  • Bold and statement look: Eyeliner below the lash line can create a more dramatic and edgy appearance.
  • Accentuated lower lash line: By applying eyeliner below the lash line, you can draw attention to your lower lashes and make them appear thicker and more defined.
  • Balancing the overall eye makeup: If you have heavy eyeshadow or liner on the upper eyelid, applying eyeliner below the lash line can help balance the look and create a sense of harmony.

Choosing the right placement

Ultimately, whether you choose to put your eyeliner above or below the lash line depends on your personal style, eye shape, and the look you want to achieve. You can also experiment with different placements to find what suits you best. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to eyeliner placement; it’s all about what makes you feel confident and beautiful.

Remember to consider factors such as the occasion, time of day, and other elements of your makeup look when deciding on the placement of your eyeliner. Practice and experimentation will help you master the technique and find the perfect balance for your eyes.

In conclusion, both above and below lash line eyeliner techniques can create stunning results. Whether you want a more natural or a bold look, eyeliner can enhance your eyes and make a statement. So go ahead and have fun exploring different eyeliner styles and placements, and let your creativity shine!

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How can I speed up tattoo removal after laser?

How can I speed up tattoo removal after laser? tattoo removal

Tattoo removal using laser technology has become increasingly popular in recent years. While the process is effective, it can take several sessions to completely remove a tattoo. However, there are ways to speed up the tattoo removal process after laser treatment. In this article, we will explore several tips and techniques that can help expedite the fading and removal of unwanted tattoos.

1. Follow aftercare instructions

After receiving laser tattoo removal treatment, it is crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your dermatologist or tattoo removal specialist. This may include keeping the treated area clean, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and applying any recommended ointments or creams.

2. Stay hydrated

Drinking an adequate amount of water can help flush out toxins from your body, including the ink particles targeted during laser tattoo removal. Proper hydration can improve your body’s natural ability to eliminate the fragmented tattoo ink, potentially speeding up the fading process.

3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle can contribute to faster tattoo removal. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can promote skin health and enhance the body’s ability to heal. Regular exercise can also improve blood circulation, which aids in the elimination of tattoo ink.

4. Use topical creams and serums

There are various topical creams and serums available that claim to accelerate tattoo fading. These products often contain ingredients such as hydroquinone, kojic acid, and retinol, which are believed to lighten pigmented areas. However, it is important to consult with a dermatologist before using any of these products to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your specific situation.

5. Consider additional laser treatments

If you’re not experiencing the desired results after several laser tattoo removal sessions, consulting with your dermatologist about additional treatments may be beneficial. They may suggest variations in laser settings or using different laser types to target the tattoo ink more effectively.


Tattoo removal can be a lengthy process, but there are steps you can take to speed it up after laser treatment. Following proper aftercare instructions, staying hydrated, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, using topical creams, and considering additional laser treatments are all strategies that may help expedite the fading and removal of unwanted tattoos. Remember to consult with a qualified professional for personalized advice and guidance throughout the tattoo removal journey.

Powerful Tattoo Removal Tips To Speed Up The Process

How can I maximize my tattoo removal results?

How can I maximize my tattoo removal results? tattoo removal

Tattoo removal is a common procedure for individuals who want to eliminate unwanted tattoos. While the process can vary depending on factors such as tattoo size, color, and location, there are steps you can take to maximize your tattoo removal results.

1. Consultation with a Professional

Before undergoing any tattoo removal treatment, it is crucial to consult with a professional. A qualified dermatologist or tattoo removal specialist can assess your tattoo and provide guidance on the most effective removal technique for your specific case. They can also discuss potential risks and side effects associated with the procedure.

2. Follow Aftercare Instructions

After undergoing tattoo removal treatment, it is essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your specialist. This may include keeping the treated area clean and applying prescribed ointments or creams. Proper aftercare can facilitate the healing process and enhance your tattoo removal results.

3. Patience and Time

Tattoo removal is not an instant process. It requires multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results. It is crucial to have patience and give your body enough time to heal between sessions. Rushing the process can lead to complications and may hinder the effectiveness of the treatment.

4. Protect the Treated Area

Protecting the treated area from sun exposure is vital for maximizing your tattoo removal results. UV rays can cause pigmentation changes and hamper the fading process. It is advisable to apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF to the treated area whenever it is exposed to the sun.

5. Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Engaging in healthy lifestyle habits can also contribute to improved tattoo removal results. Maintaining a well-balanced diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding smoking can promote better healing and enhance the body’s ability to eliminate tattoo ink particles.

6. Consider Combination Treatments

In some cases, combining different tattoo removal techniques can yield better results. Your specialist may recommend additional treatments like laser therapy, surgical excision, or dermabrasion to complement the primary removal method. Discussing these options with a professional can help maximize your tattoo removal outcomes.

Maximizing your tattoo removal results requires a combination of professional guidance, proper aftercare, patience, and protecting the treated area. By following these tips and working closely with a dermatologist or tattoo removal specialist, you can achieve the best possible outcome in removing your unwanted tattoos.

How to speed up your tattoo removal – in 4 easy steps

How long will my eyes be swollen after permanent eyeliner?

How long will my eyes be swollen after permanent eyeliner? permanent eyeliner

Permanent eyeliner is a popular cosmetic procedure that enhances the appearance of the eyes. Many people who undergo this procedure may experience some swelling in the eyes afterwards. In this article, we will explore the causes of eye swelling after permanent eyeliner and discuss how long it typically lasts.

Causes of eye swelling after permanent eyeliner

Eye swelling can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Trauma: The skin around the eyes may become swollen due to the trauma caused by the needle during the permanent eyeliner procedure.
  • Allergic reactions: Some individuals may have an allergic reaction to the pigments used in the permanent eyeliner, leading to swelling and inflammation in the eyes.
  • Infection: In rare cases, an infection may occur after the procedure, leading to eye swelling.

How long does eye swelling last?

The duration of eye swelling after permanent eyeliner can vary depending on various factors, including individual healing capabilities and the extent of the procedure. In general, the swelling typically subsides within a week or two. However, some individuals may experience swelling for a longer period.

It’s important to note that the intensity of the swelling may be more pronounced in the first few days following the procedure. This is a normal part of the healing process, and the swelling should gradually diminish over time.

Tips to reduce eye swelling after permanent eyeliner

While the swelling will naturally subside on its own, there are a few tips that can help expedite the healing process:

  1. Apply cold compresses: Gently applying cold compresses to the swollen area can help reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort.
  2. Avoid touching or rubbing the eyes: Touching or rubbing the eyes can exacerbate the swelling and increase the risk of infection.
  3. Follow aftercare instructions: It’s crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the cosmetic professional who performed the procedure. This may include avoiding certain activities or using recommended ointments or creams.
  4. Avoid strenuous activities: Engaging in strenuous activities that may increase blood flow to the eyes should be avoided during the healing period.

When to consult a professional

Eye swelling after permanent eyeliner is generally a normal part of the healing process. However, if the swelling persists for an extended period, is accompanied by severe pain, or shows signs of infection (such as redness, discharge, or fever), it is important to consult a medical professional or the cosmetic specialist who performed the procedure.

In conclusion, eye swelling after permanent eyeliner is a common occurrence but typically resolves within a week or two. By following proper aftercare instructions and taking necessary precautions, individuals can minimize discomfort and aid the healing process.

MY EXPERIENCE EYELINER TATTOO// Upper, Lower lid & Healing Process

How many laser treatments before tattoo starts to fade?

How many laser treatments before tattoo starts to fade? laser treatments

Tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years, but sometimes people change their minds or want to remove a tattoo for various reasons. One of the most common methods for tattoo removal is laser treatment. However, many people wonder how many laser treatments it takes before a tattoo starts to fade significantly. In this article, we will explore the factors that influence the number of laser treatments required for tattoo fading.

The Size and Color of the Tattoo

The size and color of the tattoo are crucial factors in determining how many laser treatments will be necessary to fade it. Larger tattoos typically require more sessions as the laser needs to target a larger area. Additionally, tattoos with darker colors, such as black or dark blue, tend to be easier to remove compared to lighter colors like yellow or green. The laser breaks down the pigments in the tattoo, and darker pigments are more responsive to the laser treatment.

Skin Tone

The patient’s skin tone also plays a role in the number of laser treatments needed to fade a tattoo. Tattoos are easier to remove on lighter skin tones due to the higher contrast between the tattoo pigment and the skin. On the other hand, darker skin tones may require more sessions as the laser needs to be adjusted to avoid damaging the surrounding skin.

Tattoo Age

The age of the tattoo is another factor to consider. Older tattoos tend to be easier to remove as the ink particles may have started to break down naturally over time. Newer tattoos may require more sessions as the ink is still relatively fresh and deeply embedded in the skin.

Professionalism of the Tattoo Artist

The professionalism of the tattoo artist also influences the number of laser treatments required for fading a tattoo. Experienced tattoo artists tend to use high-quality inks that are easier to remove compared to low-quality ones. Additionally, a tattoo artist who applies the tattoo evenly and at an appropriate depth makes the removal process more straightforward.

Laser Technology

The type of laser technology used can significantly impact the number of treatments required. Q-switched lasers, such as Nd:YAG and Ruby lasers, are commonly used for tattoo removal. These lasers emit high-intensity light that breaks down the tattoo ink into smaller particles, allowing the body’s immune system to eliminate them. Newer laser technologies, such as picosecond lasers, may require fewer treatments due to their ability to target a wider spectrum of ink colors.

The number of laser treatments required before a tattoo starts to fade depends on several factors, including the size and color of the tattoo, the patient’s skin tone, the age of the tattoo, the professionalism of the tattoo artist, and the laser technology used. While it is challenging to provide an exact number, most individuals see significant fading after multiple sessions. Consultation with a professional tattoo removal specialist is crucial to determine the specific number of treatments needed for individual cases.

Laser Tattoo Removal | Real People, True Results 2023

Does retinol remove eyebrow tattoos?

Does retinol remove eyebrow tattoos? eyebrow tattoos

Retinol is a popular ingredient used in skincare products due to its various benefits. However, when it comes to eyebrow tattoos, there is some debate about its effectiveness in removing them. In this article, we will explore whether retinol can help fade or remove eyebrow tattoos.

Understanding eyebrow tattoos

Eyebrow tattoos, also known as microblading or permanent makeup, involve depositing pigments into the skin to create the illusion of fuller eyebrows. This procedure is considered semi-permanent, as it typically lasts for a few years before requiring touch-ups.

The role of retinol in skincare

Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A and is well-known for its ability to improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and stimulate collagen production. It is widely used in anti-aging products and is known for its exfoliating and rejuvenating properties.

Can retinol remove eyebrow tattoos?

While retinol has many benefits for the skin, there is limited evidence to suggest that it can effectively remove or fade eyebrow tattoos. Eyebrow tattoo pigments are deposited into the deeper layers of the skin, while retinol primarily works on the surface layers.

Retinol may help to fade the appearance of eyebrow tattoos over time by speeding up the skin’s natural exfoliation process. However, the results may vary depending on the depth of the tattoo and individual skin type.

Alternative options for tattoo removal

If you are looking to remove or fade your eyebrow tattoo, there are other options available that may yield better results:

  • Laser tattoo removal: This procedure uses laser technology to break down the tattoo pigments.
  • Saline tattoo removal: This method involves using a saline solution to lift the tattoo pigments out of the skin.

It’s essential to consult with a professional tattoo removal specialist or dermatologist to determine the best course of action for your specific case.

Preventing eyebrow tattoo regrets

Before getting an eyebrow tattoo, it’s crucial to carefully consider your decision and do thorough research. Here are a few tips to prevent tattoo regrets:

  • Research the technician/salon: Make sure to choose a reputable professional with adequate experience and positive reviews.
  • Discuss your expectations: Have a clear conversation with the technician about what you want to achieve with your eyebrow tattoo.
  • Consider a consultation: Before getting the tattoo, consider scheduling a consultation to discuss your concerns and desired outcome.
  • Prioritize aftercare: Following the technician’s aftercare instructions diligently can help ensure better healing and longevity of the tattoo.

In conclusion

While retinol may have some skin benefits, its effectiveness in removing or fading eyebrow tattoos is uncertain. It is recommended to explore alternative options such as laser tattoo removal or saline tattoo removal for more significant results. It’s essential to do thorough research, consult with professionals, and carefully consider your decision before getting an eyebrow tattoo to prevent any potential regrets.

Laser tattoo removal. Before/After